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Ready For A Different Approach?

Please Read This First ...

Firstly, well done on landing here.

You’re moving in the right direction and you should be proud of yourself that you’re exploring options.

The processes I share with my clients are designed to be simple, but that doesn’t mean that creating change in our life or business is easy. It takes work and commitment.

If you’re just after information, I’m not your man. I’m only interested in transformation and hopefully, so are you.

My job is to be your guide, teach you new skills and provide you with tools, but it's you that needs to do the work.

The majority of people who contact me tend to work in service and knowledge-based economies.

The bulk of my clients are consultants, coaches, therapists, educators and digital product creators.

If you’re reading this and you don’t fall into one of those categories, that doesn’t mean my process won't work for you.

I have others clients that offer products and services across a wide range of sectors. From e-commerce to construction and everything in between!

Regardless of the type of business you want to build, what matters is this:

You are willing to do the work required to see the results you desire.

You are prepared to be open and honest so we can find out what's really holding you back.

You are willing to examine and adapt the beliefs and behaviours that no longer serve you.

You are clear on the product or service you want to bring to the market and are capable of delivering it.

You are committed to building a business in a way that works for you.

You know that it's time for a different approach and that time is now.

If you've answered yes to the above questions, chances are you are a good fit to work with me.

Below you’ll find a couple of options for working with me on an individual basis.

All of my clients started by taking one small step.

That step was for us to have a conversation.

So, when you are ready, send me a message via one of the options below and let’s talk.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.


p.s. Check out the feedback from my clients to get a feel for the results you can expect from our work together:




The Business Clarity Intensive

The Business Clarity Intensive is a unique coaching and ‘hands-on’ experience that will eliminate any overwhelm, frustration or doubt that’s been holding you back from building your business.

Most business owners struggle with a lack of clarity over what actions to take in order to grow their business.

They get bogged down and confused by all the marketing options available to them and end up stuck in ‘analysis paralysis.

If you’re like most people I speak to, you’re constantly bombarded with ads and emails from marketing gurus telling you how their way is the only way to build your business.

You’ve probably tried many of their approaches, downloaded a hard-drive busting amount of ‘ 7 steps to business success’ blueprints and attended countless webinars.

Only to end up more confused, frustrated and lost than you were before. Struggling to find the ‘right way’ to proceed.

If that sounds familiar, I’ve some good news for you.

There’s no right or wrong way to build your business, there’s just the right way for you.

The business principles, practices and processes you’ll put into action during this coaching intensive all serve one goal.

That is to provide a tailor-made, simple to follow action plan that will allow you to create your ideal business in the shortest time possible.

One Intensive, Two Phases:

Phase One

4 Workshop Sessions


It is essential that your business provides the income to support your ideal lifestyle. We will create 3 revenue targets to work with and during the coaching element of this session, we’ll deal with any ‘money blocks’ that might get in the way of your success.


In this session, we’ll get 100% clear on who your target market is, the solution you will provide and how you will reach them. We’ll overcome the “niche issue” that holds so many back and eliminate the fear we all have about narrowing down our target market.


Next, we need to get clear on how you want your business to operate. For example, how many hours a week do you want to work? How many weeks per year? How do you want to deliver your products or services? Most importantly of all, will your ideal working setup provide the income you require? If not, we’ll work together to create a business model that does.


The final piece of the puzzle is to take our work from the above sessions and create a 90-day plan. You’ll learn how to implement a system that removes all the uncertainty from your working day and you’ll know the exact tasks you need to complete each week. You’ll work directly with Mark to hone your plan so you’re set up and ready for success in the 30-day sprint!

Phase Two

4 Weeks Implementation


With all the foundational work completed, it’s time for action! We’ll take the first 30 days of your 90-day plan and implement it together. Using the planning and productivity system you’ll have learnt, each week you’ll identify four key target actions that will move you towards your goal. At the end of each week, we’ll have a coaching call where you can report your progress that week.

Even with the best plan in place, things tend not to always go as smoothly as we’d like!

During the week you’re bound to hit some roadblocks, both mental and physical, that will slow your progress down. I will help you tackle them and create a plan to overcome them should they arise again.

Then, I will help you get clear on your four actions for the coming week and help you identify resources you may need and any potential roadblocks you might face.

We’ll repeat this process four times and end the sprint on day 30 with a final call where you can get any remaining questions answered and any additional coaching you need.




Single Session Business Coaching

The Single Session Structure

You've hit a roadblock, it's preventing you from taking action, and it's driving you crazy in the process.

You might have been in this position for a while and know you need 1:1 help, not another webinar, online course or event that doesn't address your specific needs.

You know that if you could access new perspectives, strategies and insights, you'd be able to move forward and take action immediately.

Well, the good news is that thanks to my unique single-session business coaching offer, you could be unstuck and moving forward in 90 minutes or less.

It's a simple, quick and easy solution.

No contracts or commitments, just the help you need when you need it most.

From Chaos To Clarity In 3 Steps...

15 Minute Pre-Session Call

In this 15 minute call, we will look over the form you completed at the time of booking, discuss your current situation and agree if a single-session call is a suitable approach for your desired outcome.

The 60 Minute Coaching Session

Once we decide to proceed with a single session, you'll make payment and agree on the time and date for your call. Then, you will receive the coaching, consulting or therapy you need to reach the agreed outcome.

Your Action Steps And Review Call

At the end of the call, we will agree on action steps for you to take to build on our session and move towards your goal(s). We'll arrange a 15 min follow-up call to this session and we can discuss further help if required

Single Sessions Are...


The business coaching space is dominated by over-priced offers that are often out of reach to many and still fail to address their specific needs. The single-session, on-demand solution I've created is able to deliver high-level assistance without the high ticket price.


We all get stuck at different times in our business journey. For this reason, I saw the need to create a unique and flexible coaching solution. Often, a single conversation is all that is required to get you unstuck. If you feel you'd benefit from more calls, you simply book another session.


The majority of coaching products offered to people struggling to get the results they desire are delivered in a 'one-size fits all' format. Yes, we all experience similar issues but they can present in very different ways. The solutions I provide are tailored to your specific needs/goals.

Questions ?

If you are unsure if single-session business coaching is the right solution for your current situation, send me a message and via one of the options below so we can discuss it further. You can also check out the FAQ section by clicking here.




A Unique Approach

When you work with Mark, you get three services for the price of one.

With 20+ years of business experience and professional qualifications in high-performance coaching and therapy, Mark is in a unique position to take care of all your needs during your time together.

The majority of business coaching available can only offer a one-dimensional approach, but Mark’s approach focuses on three – coaching, consulting and cognitive behavioural therapy.

During calls, all three aspects come into play.

The coaching aspects of the call will help you get clarity on what you want to achieve, why you are currently stuck and what you need to do next.

The consulting aspects of the call will offer you new perspectives and direction. With them in mind, you will be able to confidently make decisions so you can focus on the actions that matter most.

Finally, our call’s cognitive behavioural aspect will help you deal with any thoughts, feelings or habits that might stand in the way of you taking the action required to move towards your goals.

Mark’s unique brand of business coaching offers a complete solution to meet your needs and is designed to generate results.

Proven Results. Happy Clients.

Samantha Tyson

“Before working with Mark, I felt that it would be very difficult to get to the point I wanted. I now have more clarity about how to move things forward. If you are ready to do the work and take action Mark will guide you through a process to support you in what you are trying to achieve. You will learn new skills and techniques that you can apply to both your business and your life."

Chris People

"I'm much clearer about where I am and where I need to go, in order to achieve my goal. I feel confident in the journey ahead and ready to take action. I've gained far more insight than I'm able to write here.

This is very, very different and superior to similar things I have tried in the past. I have done more in the last 4 weeks than in the last 3 years. Just sign up!"

Sandra Forminaite

"When I came to Mark I was confused, lost and had zero clarity and confidence. I was overwhelmed and rapidly losing interest in my business. I didn’t have any idea where to start or what my priorities would be. Mark provided a completely new approach and I now feel the possibilities are endless. Don’t waste one more day, take the opportunity to work with Mark now!"

Andrew Graham

“Mark is a great coach. I've found him to be down-to-earth and highly relatable. He knows his stuff & openly shares learnings, experiences and coaching tools. My journey to date has been about: overcoming the past and building resilience which has helped massively throughout the Covid pandemic. I can't recommend him highly enough."

Karen Millar

“I've just completed a two day intensive with Mark. I came with lots of questions and areas that I was quite concerned about. In particular, I was unsure how to push my coaching business forward. We covered loads and I'm really satisfied now. I've got an event set up and I'm feeling confident, so it's onwards and upwards! I'm really excited about the future."

David Barker

“My life and business today doesn't compare to how it was a year ago when I first made contact with Mark. It is immeasurably better in all aspects. Working with Mark has been revealing, inspiring and life changing. If you really want to change how your life is and break out of the same circle you are forever caught in, then reach out to Mark asap."

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Request A Call Today.

Please complete the form below to request a call. You will receive an immediate reply via text message.