The Launch Plan Intensive

50% Discount - Exclusive Offer Ends 7pm UK, Nov 5th 2023

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The Launch Plan Intensive

The Four Foundation Modules, Exercises and 1:1 Coaching

Foundation 1:

The Money

It is essential that your business provides the income to support your ideal lifestyle. This module is about creating 3 revenue figures, ensuring our business can support them and dealing with any ‘money blocks’ that might get in the way of your success.

Take A Look At Your 'Money Beliefs' And Ask Yourself Two Important Questions

Understand What The 'Money Thermostat' Is And How To Use It

Create The Three Thermostat Figures To Build Your Business Around

Understand If Your Business Model Works Financially and What To Do If It Doesn't

Foundation 2:

The Market

In this part of the intensive, we’ll get 100% clear on who your target market is, the solution you will provide and how you will reach them. We’ll overcome the “niche issue” that holds so many back and eliminate our fear of narrowing down our target market.

Get Clear On Your Niche And Remove The Fear Of Niching Down

Understand The Six Paths To Market Your Business And Choose The Best One For You

Understand What Your Target Client Really Wants And Create Your Offer To Match It

Learn How To Market In A Way That Makes You The Obvious Choice For Your Clients

Foundation 3:

The Model

Next, we need to get clear on how you want your business to operate. For example, how many hours a week do you want to work? How many weeks per year? How will you deliver your products or services? Most importantly of all, will your ideal working setup provide the income you require? If not, we’ll work together to create a business model that does.

Explore The Different Business Model Options You Have And Choose The Best For You

Discover The 3 'Quick Win' Methods You Can Implement To Get Clients

Decide On The Best Marketing Content and Service Delivery Plan For You

Learn How To 'Sell The Outcome' And 'Stretch The Gap' So You Sign More Clients For More Money

Foundation 4:

The Map

The final piece of the puzzle is to take our work from the above sessions and create a 90-day plan. You’ll learn how to implement a system that removes all the uncertainty from your working day and you’ll know the exact tasks you need to complete each week. You’ll work directly with me to hone your plan, so you’re set up and ready for success!

Discover How The Domino System That Will Keep You And Your Business On Track

Learn The Quarterly, Weekly And Daily Process That Will Accelerate Your Results

Watch Me Create A 90 Day Plan With A Client And The Create Your Own

Learn About My 'Return And Report' System That Will Keep You Moving Forward In The Right Direction

Coaching Call 1:

Niche And Offer

In our first coaching call we will review the exercises you completed, decide on your niche and get clear on your offer.

Coaching Call 2:

Marketing And Plan

In our second coaching call we will get clear on how you will market your business and create your final 90-day plan.

The 7 Step Process

Step One

Book A Call To Arrange Your Dates

Step Two

Gain Access To The App On Agreed Date

Step Three

Start Your Intensive (Days 1-3)

Step Four

Coaching Call 1 (Day 4)

Step Five

Continue With Training and Exercises (Days 5-7)

Step 6

Coaching Call 2 (Day 8)

Step 7

Go And Implement Your Plan!

Until Today, The Only Way To Gain Access To This Training And 1-1 Help From Me

Required An Investment Of £2000+ And 6-8 Weeks.

This New Intensive Is Designed To Provide The Training And Coaching You Need

To Take Action And Launch Your Business In As Little As One Week.

The Launch Path Intensive Is Priced At £990

BUT...For Students Who Attended This Training,

There Is A Limited Time Discount Of 50%:

You Pay Just:


Important: Only Available Until Sunday, 7th November 2023 - 7pm (UK)

You Must Complete The Intensive By 28th February 2024

What Clients Say...

Below is a small sample of feedback collected from clients who have worked with Mark over the past 7 years.

Samantha Tyson

“Before working with Mark, I felt that it would be very difficult to get to the point I wanted. I now have more clarity about how to move things forward. If you are ready to do the work and take action Mark will guide you through a process to support you in what you are trying to achieve. You will learn new skills and techniques that you can apply to both your business and your life."

Chris People

"I'm much clearer about where I am and where I need to go, in order to achieve my goal. I feel confident in the journey ahead and ready to take action. I've gained far more insight than I'm able to write here.

This is very, very different and superior to similar things I have tried in the past. I have done more in the last 4 weeks than in the last 3 years. Just sign up!"

Sandra Forminaite

"When I came to Mark I was confused, lost and had zero clarity and confidence. I was overwhelmed and rapidly losing interest in my business. I didn’t have any idea where to start or what my priorities would be. Mark provided a completely new approach and I now feel the possibilities are endless. Don’t waste one more day, take the opportunity to work with Mark now!"

Jane Graham

Work with Mark. It will change your life and that of your family in ways you can't even imagine. This is the most important and valuable thing that I have ever done. It has and will forever be responsible for changing my life and getting me unstuck. I feel like I am capable of anything now. I now know that when approaching all areas of my life I'm doing it from a place of clarity and power, not from a place of fear which is massive for me."

Jenny Mills

"Intensive is the right word for it. I have found a clear direction and have achievable but challenging steps to move towards my goal. I am feeling more assured that I will have success. The focus makes things simpler. I am much more aware of what I want to do, not what I think I should do. It might be uncomfortable at times, but you will feel much more self-assured afterwards. I highly recommend working with Mark."

Maria Waters

"I feel liberated and free of the rut I was in. I have a clear plan of how I will use my skills to build a profitable business, and I feel confident that I can actually do it! Thank you for helping me to identify that I have it within me to reach my goals and ambitions with commitment, baby steps, actions and reviews. Yes, it was intensive and demanding, but it was also comprehensive and effective. Great job and thanks again!"

James Quigley

"If I had to sum up what I’ve gained from the coaching I've received from Mark, it would be clarity, direction and ideas. Mark's support and coaching have helped me break free of the chains holding me back. I would recommend Mark to anyone considering personal or business coaching."""

Harriet Curry

"If you're considering working with Mark, just do it. You won't come across someone easily who will be straight with you and call you out when needed whilst still being compassionate and non-judgemental. This is a process that will change your life. I couldn't imagine or want to work with anyone else."

Mark Harries

"I now feel calm and assured. The clarity I gained is a shift from doing the right things, as I thought I was supposed to do, to achieve a result I have determined. I am feeling good moving forward and I am clear about what I need to do.

Whatever stage you are at, Mark will meet your needs."

Dave Jordan

Mark is the best coach I have worked with. His brilliant process is designed to get you to examine your beliefs and then guide you to take focused action. Mark has a deep empathic understanding of how people think and behave. He really helped me to negotiate a difficult and stuck period in my life."

Caroline Silvestre

"After working with Mark, I've gained full clarity when before I was in a haze. I feel confident and energised again. This has been one of the best decisions and investments I've ever made. Complete transformation, I have clarity and direction and I’ve learnt a great deal of skills and gained new perspectives.

Patrick Baron

"I now feel calm and assured. The clarity I gained is a shift from doing the right things, as I thought I was supposed to do, to achieve a result I have determined. I am feeling good moving forward and I am clear about what I need to do.

Whatever stage you are at, Mark will meet your needs."

Andrew Graham

“Mark is a great coach. I've found him to be down-to-earth and highly relatable. He knows his stuff & openly shares learnings, experiences and coaching tools. My journey to date has been about: overcoming the past and building resilience which has helped massively throughout the Covid pandemic. I can't recommend him highly enough."

Karen Millar

“I've just completed a two day intensive with Mark. I came with lots of questions and areas that I was quite concerned about. In particular, I was unsure how to push my coaching business forward. We covered loads and I'm really satisfied now. I've got an event set up and I'm feeling confident, so it's onwards and upwards! I'm really excited about the future."

David Barker

“My life and business today doesn't compare to how it was a year ago when I first made contact with Mark. It is immeasurably better in all aspects. Working with Mark has been revealing, inspiring and life changing. If you really want to change how your life is and break out of the same circle you are forever caught in, then reach out to Mark asap."

Michael Craigen

“Going into this, my expectations were pretty high because I know Mark is very good at what he does, but all my expectations were exceeded. It was phenomenal. I think sometimes we get caught where we want to go to the next level but we are fearful or we don't know how to and what Mark did was lay out a structure and a process that is easy to follow and makes sense. This was more value than I've ever experienced before."

Carl Norton

Before working with Mark, I felt that I was stuck waiting for things to happen and this had been the case for over a year. I liked Mark's straight talking approach and I believed it was time to start doing something. I learned how to commit and plan clear outcomes. This process has changed my life. I feel more positive and open. If you're thinking of working with Mark, then get off your arse and do it. You'll never look back."

Lisa Crossan

Just completed a two day intensive with Mark, it's been quite different and taken things to a whole new level. He completely opened my eyes and skilfully pulled out everything I'd been thinking about for years. Mark is the definite choice if you have ever contemplated doing something like this, he's an absolute genius at what he does and it's life changing stuff.

So, don't hesitate to work with Mark if you can."

Karen Leith

Mark helped me to clarify what it is I want to do with my new career. Mark is a remarkable man. So if you are looking to further your business or take yourself in a different direction, please do yourself a favour and contact Mark. The process has been totally amazing. He can 100% help on your journey in life."

Jodi Gallagher

I've just completed my intensive with Mark, and I wouldn't say it was easy, but it was amazing. I would recommend anyone to come and work with Mark. I feel that I definitely got the clarity that I needed. And now, knowing where I'm going and what I need to be doing, I just feel so much better about the future."

Space Trajkovski

Mark is a huge and crucial part of what I have accomplished. I'm so grateful to have him in my life. He dialled in my clarity. I was hitting a wall for the longest time, I didn't know what to do. Thanks to Mark, my clarity levels went sky-high and I knew what to do. The new ideas, concepts and ways of thinking blew my mind"

Pauline McPetrie

I started working with Mark because I felt exhausted and overwhelmed with life, work, and family. Mark provided the space for me to acknowledge how I felt and also gave me the focus I needed to move towards my end result. I became aware of why I was so stuck in my life. It's been quite a journey. It's taught me more about who I am and what drives me. I feel I now know what's required and how to make things happen."

Lee Bradford

I am a different person from who I was when I started working with Mark. I am in the driver's seat of my life now. I feel better about myself. I have rediscovered who I am, what I like, and what I want to do. If I was on a scale of 0-10, 0 being in a bad place, then I have jumped from 0 to 10. I have enjoyed the support and un-judgemental space Mark created. It has changed my life and how I think forever."

Rosie Lawson

I booked an intensive with Mark out in Spain. It was an amazing couple of days that challenged me in all sorts of different ways and allowed me to discover things about myself that I didn't really know. I've come away feeling excited about the future and with a really clear vision and goal. I'm so glad I trusted my instincts to do this and invested in myself. If you get a chance to do this, do it. It's an exciting, awesome process."

Gray Webber

I came into this having had the past 18 months off from business building and marketing as I had previously felt overwhelmed and disheartened from previous attempts. I was hoping that Mark could help me find the clarity and confidence to move forward, as well as reinvigorate my attitude to business, and that was exactly what I got. If you are considering this, definitely do it. It will help you break through and see things differently."

Steph Aurand

If you like a no-BS approach, go for it. Mark, will challenge you and his advice is to the point. He will turn what you think you know about business upside down. It's clear he knows what he's talking about, and he will 'get you'. His structure and process are flexible enough for you to make them your own. If you are willing to take off the brakes and face the fear, you will discover a whole lot about yourself in the process."

Pauline Crosthwaite

Before my intensive, I had lots of ideas and was trying various things, but not in any structured way. I was wasting a lot of time and not getting very far. I now feel clear about what steps I need to take and how to track my progress. If you want to give yourself the opportunity to focus 100% on moving your business forward, with Mark's expertise and support to guide you along the way, then definitely go for it!"

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